Kincardine Estate
Access Statement
Guidance for visiting the estate

Kincardine Estate is a traditional working rural estate home to more than 70 households and businesses as well as farm and forestry operations. We also host regular recreational and sporting activities and hospitality events. All of this activity provides jobs and supports the local economy. We recognise that the estate is also an attractive place to visit for leisure and recreation purposes, and we welcome responsible public access.
The purpose of this Access Statement is to advise the public on how they may access the estate in a controlled and responsible manner which respects the environment and avoids conflict with our residents, businesses and other estate activities.
Part 1 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 gives a statutory right of access to most land and inland waterways. However, the public only have these rights of access if they are exercised responsibly. We, as land managers, also have a duty to manage the estate responsibly in relation to public access rights.
The Scottish Outdoor Access Code provides detailed guidance on these responsibilities. You can read the full detail online at however there are three key principles which everyone should bear in mind.
Respect the interests of other people
Acting with courtesy, consideration and awareness is very important. If you are exercising access rights, make sure that you respect the privacy, safety and livelihoods of those living or working in the outdoors, and the needs of other people enjoying the outdoors. As land managers, we respect people’s use of the outdoors and their need for a safe and enjoyable visit.
Care for the environment
If you are exercising access rights, look after the places you visit and enjoy, and leave the land as you find it. As a land manager, we help maintain the natural and cultural features which make the outdoors attractive to visit and enjoy.
Take responsibility for your own actions
If you are exercising access rights, remember that the outdoors cannot be made risk-free and act with care at all times for your own safety and that of others. As a land manager, we must act with care at all times for people’s safety.
If you are planning an organised group event such as a walk or cycle, you might consider contacting us in advance to check whether your activity might come into conflict with work on the Estate, for example if we have forestry operations, or an off-roading event in one area we may be able to suggest a different date, or an alternative route.
Safety around water
Anyone accessing rivers, streams and other bodies of water on the Estate should be conscious of the inherent dangers and should exercise extreme caution. River levels can change rapidly, and without warning, as precipitation in the upper catchment can result in large quantities of water coming downstream even when local conditions appear calm. River currents can be very strong and should not be underestimated by anyone choosing to enter the water. It is possible that the natural action of the water may undermine the riverbank and that ground may give way unexpectedly. The action of the water and wildlife can also leave holes and depressions in the ground which may be hidden by vegetation. Strong currents and high rivers may deposit debris on the river bank or on the riverbed in unexpected places. Before accessing any area of water on Kincardine Estate, please refer to for guidance.
Some basic do’s and don’ts
Do respect people’s privacy and stay a respectful distance from homes.
Pay attention to signs - they are there for a reason.
Do not stray onto growing crops.
Do avoid livestock - cattle are bigger and stronger than you.
Do take your rubbish home with you – we don’t want it.
Do pick up your dog’s poo. Don’t bag it and leave the bag hanging on a fence or tree – we really don’t want it either.
Do keep your dog under control and preferably on a lead at all times.
Do not light fires or barbecues anywhere on the estate.
Do leave gates closed.
Don't throw sticks and stones into the river where someone is fishing.
Don't swim where someone is fishing.
Don't take motor vehicles including motorcycles off the public road - it is illegal without our permission.
Do park in designated public zones, do not park on verges or in laybys or block gateways and tracks.
Do pay attention to signs warning of forestry operations and shooting and avoid these areas.
Access Agreements
We have established formal access agreements with several local groups which allow them to use specific areas of the estate at certain times for an agreed purpose. This has been very successful in avoiding conflict with the daily running of the estate. Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.